Remember that one series of Calvin & Hobbes comics where they go on a camping trip, it starts raining the second they get out of the car, and clears up as soon as they start packing up? Yup, that was this weekend… except that all the rain gradually moved North, meaning I had to drive through it AGAIN as I headed home.

Well, hope you all liked this years AWA comics… BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT OVER!!! That’s right! Now that I’m on Patreon, I’ve decided to try something different: the bulk of the AWA comics went up here for everybody right away, but next week, and EXTRA batch of AWA comics will be posted on Patreon. You wanna get a double dose of AWA goodness? Oh, you know you do! And you can get it by pledging as little as ONE DOLLAR A MONTH! That’s right, you can get bonus pages, other weekly comics, and all KINDS of other stuff for less than one soda at the convention center cost! Who could say no to a deal like that? So go ahead, help a starving geek & get lots of webcomics in return!

OH! And before I forget, the countdown has already begun for Anime USA! See you again for that spooky, scary Halloween con!

(Historical Notes: Yet ANOTHER page where I need to remember to come back and add links to the Public Patreon Gallery that doesn’t exist yet, especially since I genuinely thing the road trip comics from that batch are funnier than any of the “real” comics here.  Also, to reiterate the alt text, I totally should have looked for a more photogenic picture of the sun breaking through some clouds than what’s here.  Sooooo dreary.)