Well, if you liked the AWA cover from last week, I’ve pretty much got the same story for this one, only worse. I finally finished that AWA update barely a day before leaving for AUSA, so you can imagine how much time I had to whip this thing together.

So, as always, the actual comics ought to be ready at least by Wednesday. Probably later than that, though, because I’m gonna be just a LIIIIIIIITLE bit tired by the end of these two back-to-back cons.

(Historical Notes: Okay… Okay guys… Real talk… I HAAAAAAATE this cover.  As I say above, the idea was to do the AWA cover over again, except the whole point of the AWA cover was to re-color the city skyline… except WASHINGTON DC HAS NO SKYLINE TO SPEAK OF.  There’s a whole mess of building restrictions to keep anything but a handful of monuments from getting too tall, and those monuments don’t have enough lights on them to make the effect work.  I had to go in and add most of the color details manually, which totally defeats the “whip this together quickly” justification for doing covers like these in the first place.  This thing frustrated me enough that I quit doing covers like this… although a lot of the basic techniques DID start to crop up more and more over in Far Out There, so I guess it’s good the experience got put to work SOMEWHERE.)