Ironically, the top panel is exactly how I feel as I write this… and I’ve only got a few hours before I have to start packing for AUSA…

BUT YEAH, ANIME USA THIS WEEKEND! I’M HEADED BACK UP TO DC! That means ANOTHER full update sometime next week! That’s… that’s… I really need to take a nap… See you in a few days!

(Historical Notes: I cannot express strongly enough the extent to which YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN.  I mean, the two cons a week apart bit, not the attending a Shonen Knife concert bit.  I’d TOTALLY do that again.  But I will never, EVER do a convention with anything less than an entire month on either side of it again.  Aside from the mental and physical wear and tear, just LOOK at how sloppy this set of comics was.  I tried to clean up a few pages, but a lot of them are so all-consumingly messy that anything less than a complete re-draw would have just been pointless.  The current “one page at a time” posting model might take a lot longer, but I VASTLY prefer looking at those more recent pages over these glorified doodles.)