Not even one whole year ago, I swore to never EVER do two conventions immediately back to back again… I don’t listen to myself very well. But hey, even if AWA did make me an offer I couldn’t refuse, Anime USA’s been a staple since this comic started. I couldn’t bail on it now!

(Historical Notes: There’s not really anything to add at this point, just supply your own “I’ll never do cons this close again” rant here… well, okay.  The notes on this one DO point out an important detail, namely that I didn’t really have much experience in DROPPING cons yet.  I kept adding more and more cons to the schedule, but never really had to make a conscious decision to SKIP one before.  Anime Boston was too far away, which made the decision for me, and Intervention removed itself of its own accord.  As I stated SEVERAL times while griping about DC, I’m a creature of habit who gets set in his ways very easily.  Once I establish a routine, I’m compelled to stick with it even if it’s clearly bad for me.  Hence, me feeling compelled to keep going back to a con I’d been going to even if there CLEARLY wasn’t enough time.  I think these decisions started getting easier to make after I quit Katsucon and the world didn’t end.)