Yes, I’m one of those idiots who just doesn’t eat if somebody else doesn’t make me. I just hate to leave the con for any extended period, even if it’s for stuff that my body kind of sort of requires to live. The only exception is when there’s a whole bunch of friends going to eat, then it’s enough of a social outing that even I can be lured away for an hour or two. And it happened a LOT at AZ this year.

(Historical Notes:  I’ve mentioned several times already that this doesn’t happen much anymore.  I’ve gotten too thrift AND too anti-social to go anyplace and eat food I didn’t bring with me.  So, instead, I’ll remark that I haven’t actually been to any of these establishments in YEARS.  I mean, I haven’t really liked being in restaurants at all since my time working in one, but these examples seem especially egregious to me.  I couldn’t even tell you if all these places are even still around anymore.  Tells ya how much I get out these days, huh?)