I am a reasonably smart human being. I posses certain levels of common sense and, for the most part, am not given over to grossly self-destructive behavior. And yet, despite the CONSTANT warnings to the contrary, I freaking never EAT when I’m at a con! I had exactly two “meals” at AUSA that didn’t consist entirely of starch, chocolate, and sugar water, and both of them were the result of social outings with my friends.

For the record, though, that’s not just a con thing for me. I forget to eat all the dang time. I think I skipped, like, half a dozen meals in the process of getting this update finished.

Oh, and explanation about the “unfinished” bit: that’s a costume I made of one of the characters in my OTHER webcomic, Far Out There. Obviously, I’m pickier about the details of than one than most costumes, so I felt compelled to note that I don’t have it quite right yet. Blah blah blah you don’t really care, I just wanted to work a link in someplace.

(Historical Notes: First off, it is the absolute height of huburis to think that anyone, anywhere, EVER would have cared if I’d let the Ichabod jacket’s lack of red trim go unmentioned.  Second, I’ve only somewhat gotten better about the whole eating at cons thing.  I get a lot more real food in me these days, but it’s only because I bring more with me.  If anything, I buy even LESS food at the conventions now.  Finally, this was both the first time I’d ever been to a Chipotle, and the LAST time I ever went to a Chipotle and got anything other than a burrito.  I had NO idea what I was doing.  Oh, and as I wrote this just now, spellcheck tried to correct “burrito” with an extra “t” as “BitTorrent.”  I have no punchline to add to that.)