Let me explain the layout of the Hyatt Regency: The elevators are a NIGHTMARE to use once a convention starts up. That’s kind of true at any con hotel but ESPECIALLY true here since the convention center itself uses the same elevators as the hotel. Yes, there ARE stairs, but they can’t be accessed from the lobby (as far as I’ve ever been able to tell). They CAN be accessed from the second floor, which in turn can be accessed from the lobby by the escalators, but there’s con stuff up there. Thus, there are staffers doing badge checks at the escalators. Therefore, if you’re dumb enough to walk DOWN the stairs and escalator without your badge, you’re out of luck ‘cos you can’t go back UP them without it. Hello long, arduous elevator wait.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand why they do badge checks, and wouldn’t want to be at a con where just ANYONE could wander in, but still…

(Historical Notes: I left out the cherry on top, though it there visibly if you can put the pieces together.  What’s worse than standing in a crowded line before wedging into a dangerously over-stuffed elevator?  Doing all those things WHILE ALSO trying not to hit anyone with the big wooden box dangling off your neck.  Also, just look at that those prices.  And some people get angry over how much GAS used to cost.)