As has been previously established, I’m easily intimidated when there’s somebody from Chanel Awesome in the room. What can I say? That’s what equals “famous” to me, since it’s what I actually pay attention to. The entire cast of Mad Men would wander into the room and I’d barely notice, but somebody who’s been on TGWTG? Now THAT’S a big deal.

(Historical Notes: There’s an obvious “my how times have changed” joke to be made here, but I’ve got a much less obvious one I’ll make instead.  Can you believe there was once a time when I actually cared enough about internet personalities to be intimidated by one’s presence?  I don’t even give half a crap these days… though admittedly that’s as much a result of the changing internet landscape as it is any shifts in my own priorities.  You gotta remember, I came up in the days when actually making videos was still something of a novelty.  These days, ever kid with a smartphone can make himself an “internet personality” with two or three clicks.  Probably half the audience of every panel I ever attend these days has some kind of show they do… and I couldn’t care less about any of them.)