THIS HAPPENED WAY TOO MUCH. As you’ll soon discover, I’m quite a fan of the Channel Awesome crew, and they were all over MAGFest… and I spent nearly all weekend being too petrified to go up and say “Hi” to anybody.

And it was incredibly stupid, too, ‘cos if there was every any doubt in the first place, everybody was incredibly cool and nice and stuff, so I have no one to blame but myself.

Well, in my own defense, this particular event took place when everyone was either playing one of those Kinect dancing games or filming someone else, so barging in WOULD have been kind of rude. But still…

(Historical Notes: So… yeah.  THIS was probably the most mind-boggling trip into the past yet.  Between these Conventional Wisdom comics and all the old Far Out There stuff I’ve been re-posting, I’ve had an awful lot of “Oh yeah, that’s not around anymore, is it?” and “Oh wow, I used to care about that?” moments.  I think this set of comics might have the highest consecutive concentration of them yet… which I feel kind of bad saying, since it’s not just some faceless webcomic I used to read but an actual person with a recognizable face.  But yeah, I REEEEAAAALLY felt the fact that ten years have passed while looking at these comics again.)