Okay, considering it’s got “Gaming” right there in the title, I probably should have expected MAGFest to have an impressive gaming line-up. But there was NO expecting the wonders they crammed into that room. I have NEVER seen so many arcade machines crammed into one con. I’m actually doing MAGFest a bit of a disservice by only mentioning said games a few more times over the course of these comics. The thing is I can only say “HOLY CRAP, THIS WAS AWESOME” so many times before it gets a bit old.

…but seriously! I got to play Star Trek: TNG Pinball again! And stupid stuff like Primal Rage! And that Sonic fighting game! WOW!

Fun Fact: the picture here originally had Jesus in the middle and I briefly considered pasting some controllers into his hands. But that seemed kinda really sacrilegious (and too much editing work)

Also, I was going to convert the page into grayscale like I usually do, but I think the sudden color works well. Entering that gaming palace was most definitely a Wizard of Oz-like experience.

(Historical Notes: …and once this moment had passed, I NEVER DID ANY PAGES OF CONVENTIONAL WISDOM IN COLOR AGAIN.)