So, there was a band called “My Three Kilts” at Tir na Nog Saturday night. I don’t envy any unsuspecting group who finds themselves playing before a pub full of cosplayers, but they seemed to be having a good time.

…and they were certainly better that whatever DJ was at the dance that night. OH, BURN!

Also, this is another page that was a BEAST to get finished. It’s a lot harder than you’d think to draw a crowd full of cosplayers realistically sitting down and keep their costumes recognizable. I had to start over, like, five times because the crowd just wasn’t looking very unusual. Even now, I’m not entirely pleased with the end result (actually, crowds in general seem to be getting harder and harder for me to draw. I used to be able to do plenty, but then, I used to have a lot more free time to fiddle with these things.

(Historical Notes: Hey, Past Me, if the costumes people were actually wearing don’t look weird enough in this context, you could always, oh I dunno, add a few extra fictional cosplayers in sufficiently outlandish outfits.  I guarantee no one would call you out on it.)