I DID IT!  I successfully kept the stupid pointless joke rolling for an entire year!  Every Single 2022 Convention now ends with a Monkees joke!  Because that’s totally what people reading a journal comic about anime conventions want to see!  I’m not wasting anybody’s time whatsoever!

But more importantly, just in case you couldn’t pick up on the implication, this was indeed my last con for 2022. If there’s anything else going on around North Carolina for the last few months of the year, I haven’t heard about it, and anyway I kind of need to save up money for some plans that are cooking for NEXT year. (dun dun duuuuuun)  But, of course, that doesn’t mean that Conventional Wisdom is going quiet.  There’s still some more convention comics left to go up on Patreon, not to mention the next round of Weekly Anime Comics that just started, OR the Digimon comics I also do every week.  Plus, there’s somehow STILL a few more sets of 2019 Conventional Wisdom comics that I haven’t gotten re-posted yet, I’m gonna shoot to have that done before the end of the year.  AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT, CONCONCON 2022 IS COMING!  That’s right, even though this was my last convention for the year, that won’t stop me from doing convention comics!  Every single con I went to this year, I wound up setting a few jokes aside that seemed “all-purpose” enough to for any convention, even ones that don’t even exist!  So stay tuned for all that, and become a patron if you haven’t already!