…and I’m not really a superstitious person, so it’s not like I’m really all that concerned about jinxing myself.

Actually, I think it has a lot to do with location. The cons where people frantically try to buy stuff at the last minute seem to be cons where Artist Alley is right in the middle of the traffic flow (like Triad) while cons that stick Artist Alley into their own dedicated space don’t seem to have that ending spike (for me, at least) It’s funny, because I’ll generally say that keeping Artist Alley tables away from the crowd is BETTER for everyone, since nobody wants to stop and shop if they’re about to get stepped on. But I guess there can be upsides to any arrangement.

(Historical Notes: If I’m remembering correctly, this was yet another Artist Alley endeavor where I only barely broke even thanks to those last-minute buys.  Stuff like that would rapidly feed into my re-thinking this whole “selling at conventions” concept.)