Would anyone really be all that surprised if this turned out to be real?  Wouldn’t be the strangest filler arc I’ve ever done.

But yeah, I’m chronically bad at keeping up an April Fool’s joke for long, so let’s drop pretenses and get to some ACTUAL site news.  I’ve been asked if there’s going to be a ConCONcon 2021, and in past years April 1st would have been when that started.  I DO plan on doing another set of imaginary convention comics this year, but have been holding off for a variety of reasons.  The main one was because I really needed to focus one hundred percent on finally getting Far Out There up and running again, but that wasn’t the only thing.  Also, there was JUST enough question marks about whether or not REAL conventions would be starting up this spring/summer for me to have second thoughts about jumping straight into another set of ConCONcon comics.  I mean, they only officially called off Animazement 2021 last week.  I never liked how ConCONcon 2019 had to awkwardly pause for a REAL convention, then start back up again, so I wanted to hold of on 2021 until I could be a bit more certain of what the calendar for this year would hold… if anything.  I think I feel more secure in plowing ahead at this point, though, so keep an eye out for more ACTUAL updates coming soon.

And speaking of which, I know people are also wondering when I’ll finally get around to re-posting the rest of the back catalog to the new site.  There’s still a pretty big “late 2016 to mid 2019” shaped hole in the archive right now.  Same basic excuse there, I needed to focus more energy on Far Out There, not to mention getting onto a more regular schedule of putting material up on Patreon again.  Also, you’ve probably heard me complain about this elsewhere by now, but when SmackJeeves finally shut down, it took all the old comics’ original commentary with them.  I was time consuming enough just writing up Historical Notes to those old comics, never mind having to try and reconstruct the ENTIRE context of the comics from memory.  Being stuck in the middle of 2016-era comics is probably the worst time for that to have happened, too.  That year was so busy, there’s a LOT of stuff I don’t remember anymore.  And that’s the last thing: I had to take an extended break from Conventional Wisdom material because it was just getting too depressing to revisit that period of my life for such long stretches.  SOOO many sleepless, stressed-out nights for so little reward… But the good news, if you can call it that, is I was honestly a little bit bummed out when Animazement officially nixed 2021.  It looks like I might actually, for real, be developing some genuine fondness for the idea of anime conventions again.  Hopefully, that’ll be enough motivation to finally plow through the rest of the old material.  As always, keep an eye on Conventional Wisdom’s various social media for more news!