Is this laying it on too thick?  This is probably laying it on too thick.  I don’t ACTUALLY hate everything to do with anime fandom and convention culture… entirely.  It’s just that, even after more than a year of pallet cleansing, there’s still a lot of pent-up meanness I haven’t let out yet.  I mean, I spent a looooooooong time trying desperately to be the con scene’s cheerleader even though I wasn’t feeling it.  That’s an awful lot of disillusionment and unhappiness to keep bottled up, and one cycle of ConCONcon comics alone isn’t enough to vent it all.

But yeah!  After several months of break so that I could focus more on Far Out There, I’m finally starting another year of Conventional Wisdom’s favorite non-existent anime convention!  I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep a new page coming out every week, but I’m certainly gonna TRY to keep up that old schedule.  Keep an eye on my Twitter or Conventional Wisdom’s various social medias for the heads up when new pages are ready.

Oh, and before somebody asks, YES I KNOW ALL CONVENTIONS AREN’T ACTUALLY CANCELED FOREVER.  I’m totally gonna start going again as soon as things have stabilized enough for it not to be a logistical nightmare, and Conventional Wisdom will totally see more Real Life journal comics about it.  It won’t be for a while, though, because I totally do NOT want to suffer through that first round of events this summer, where everybody is still trying to figure out what they can or can’t do and people are even more freaked out than usual and blah blah blah.  Unless something surprising happens this fall, I wouldn’t expect any non-ConCONcon material from Conventional Wisdom until the start of next year… except for all those Digimon comics and the Weekly Anime Comics I’m doing elsewhere!  Check both Patreon and those social medias if you want that added comic fix!

…oh, and last but not least: yes, I know I still don’t have the rest of 2017-2019’s old comics re-posted yet.  That’s also going to be happening between new comic updates, time and energy permitting.