I SWEAR I DIDN’T INTEND THIS SET OF COMICS TO ENTIRELY CONSIST OF RANTS ABOUT HOW MUCH CONVENTIONS SUCK!  Heck, back when ConCONcon 2020 kicked off, I pretty much wanted this to be a nice, happy bit of escapism for people who wanted a pleasant reminder of the cons they were missing.  THAT sure isn’t what ended up happening, huh?  All I can say is, the longer I was away from the whole convention scene, and more time I spent out of contact with anybody from that scene, the more all this stuff just… bubbled up.  I knew I was getting more and more unhappy with conventions even as they were happening, but I don’t think I fully grasped how many bad vibes I’d been suppressing for so long.  Turns out there’s something super liberating about not having other people’s opinions echoing through your head or having to walk on egg shells to avoid saying the wrong thing and setting somebody off.  Seriously, I’m only just know realizing the level of post-traumatic panic I’ve been conditioned to experience at the thought of some convention acquaintance flying off the handle over some perceived slight.  The longer the break dragged on, the more I couldn’t think of anything other that “Oh yeah, this whole environment is entirely toxic and unhealthy and the people who run it are total disasters” and that’s just what had to come out in the comics.  HOPEFULLY now that I’ve gone and vented my spleen of all this pent up venom, ConCONcon 2021 will be able to focus more on actually being about specific convention tropes instead of just “this all sucks.”  Because, yes, I am doing this again next year.

Now, I’m not sure WHEN exactly ConCONcon 2021 will happen.  There’s a lot of other things to focus on at the moment.  In the immediate future, I really need to hurry up and finish getting Far Out There fully up and running again.  That comic spent all of this yer on hiatus while this one kept running, so it’s time to be fair and trade places for a bit.  There’ll be a few more re-posts of old Conventional Wisdom stuff coming out as time permits, but my main focus for the start of 2021 will be Far Out There.  As for the rest of the year… we’ll just have to wait and see.  Whenever I do start posting ConCONcon 2021 comics will at least partially be determined by what if any cons are able to actually happen next.  I’d like to time things so that the next ConCONcon comics serve as a build-up to the next real convention, but that’s still kinda hard to plan around right now.  As always, keep an eye on the social medias for news whenever I have some to share!

EDIT: Before anybody asks, no; I’m not gonna do Conventional Wisdoms about online/virtual cons.  Most of the comic-worthy material from any con isn’t so much the events happening there as it is the spectacle of rooms full of nerd making fools of themselves.  There’s no way a bunch of livestreamed panels would give me enough to work with.  I need to watch human trainwrecks in person and take notes as the shrapnel and body parts fly.  So, no comics about real cons unless people can be there in person.