Hey, who remembers the Escapist Expo comics I did last year? …don’t feel bad if you don’t. It was added to the schedule at the last minute, and was kind of overshadowed by bigger updates. But the important thing is that it’s morphed into/been replaced by/was magically possessed by tiltEXPO this year, and I’m back again to see what’s up!

So, if you’re in Durham this weekend come on down and say hi!

If you’re new to Conventional Wisdom and don’t know what to make of this page: I put the cover page up during the convention itself. The actual comics SHOULD be finished and online sometime Wednesday night or Thursday morning (cross your fingers)

(Historical Notes: Oh man, there’s gonna be some MAJOR blocks of historical notes on this one, because I left a LOT out the first go ’round.  See, tiltEXPO turned out to be a bit of a disaster… but a really quiet, behind-the-scenes one.  If Dashcon was an explosion, then tiltEXPO was more of a muffled fart. Even more than the recent Katsucon updates, I think this one set a new high/low bar for what I posted not meeting what people were expecting.  There were SEVERAL times over the following year where people got really excited to hear what stories I had to tell about the infamous failed con, and… well, you’ll find out soon…)