Seriously, when WAS the last convention where I didn’t even cosplay? It’s already rare enough for me to not have at least one panel or whatever to worry about, but THIS? This just plain wasn’t natural.

(Historical Notes: So, part of the reason I didn’t bother doing anything for this con was because it kind of snuck up on me.  There was next to no promotion, which is should have been the first sign that something was amiss.  I would hear later on that tiltEXPO happened because a second group approached The Escapist about partnering for a new event on the date when Escapist Expo had traditionally been.  Apparently, there was some confusion over who was responsible for doing the promotion for the event, with each party seeming to think the other was going to do it.  I only ever heard vague, second-hand whisperings of what was actually going on, though, so I could be wrong. In any case, I have a history of not paying attention to the world around me, so it COULD have just been that I didn’t notice all the advertising that actually was out there, right?  Well, that’s when the ACTUAL first sign I noticed hit, and we’ll get to that shortly…)