Yup, Servo’s broken again, though it’s nowhere hear as bad as last time. I can still carry him around as is, the mouth just doesn’t work. Still, I’m hoping to have everything fixed up by the next con.

Which brings us to the end of this update! I do believe this just set a new record for longest set of comics yet… and let me tell ya, it sure felt like it. You can bet the next few updates will be shorted than this one, especially since there’s gonna be a LOT of ’em. First up: tiltEXPO in September!

In the meantime, I’ve got some new Conventional Wisdom projects in the works, so be sure to keep an eye on the Facebook page for more on that. In fact, just go like the Facebook page anyway ‘cos it’s a thing you should do, right?

(Historical Notes: This isn’t even the only time that string snapped at a con.  This is ANOTHER page I need to remember to come back to and add a link or two.  Also, just for the record, this page was originally inked and posted with a big giant “SANP” sound effect.  Sharpies should really come with spellcheck.)