Yes, folks. I’m afraid the horrible rumors are true. In a sick bit of irony, the trip back from the very convention he originally came from has left poor Servo crippled and scarred.

BUT FEAR NOT, AMERICA. Repair talks are already underway! We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Better than he was before. Better… Stronger… Faster… but not before Anime USA, at the very least.

And speaking of which, INTERVENTION DOWN, AUSA NEXT! Once again, no filler comics between now and the AUSA comics, since… before… Uh, I’m gonna stop trying to make words right now and sleep for a solid day…

(Historical Notes: It would take a little while, but Servo was indeed up and running again by the next year.  Ironically, as I write this, Servo is actually suffering from another injury, this time to one of the few parts that DIDN’T get broken the fist time around.  Thankfully, that dome crack is nowhere near as back the crushing Servo experienced in the luggage… which is yet another reason why YOU SHOULDN’T TRAVEL TO CONVENTIONS BY BUS.)