…there is no difference, that’s really how I feel right now. Granted, that’s because I’m writing this on Monday night, after pounding out this AND two pages of Far Out There, to free up the rest of the week for AUSA prep… of just to prematurely exhaust myself, whichever comes first.

Still, this is an important milestone: the first page of Conventional Wisdom (actually ANYTHING I’ve done) to go live in DrunkDuck and Smack Jeeves simultaneously! Woohoo!

And, obviously, be sure to look forward to a new batch of Anime USA comics next week!

(Historical Notes: Okay, I know I keep saying I’m going to stop doing the “My how times change” comments, but HOLY CRAP DID I SERIOUSLY GET TWO WHOLE YEARS OF CONVENTIONAL WISDOM PORTED OVER TO THE NEW SITE IN A SINGLE WEEKEND?  How did I even?)