Oh, this is beyond hilarious. After nearly a week of DISASTROUS updates, DrunkDuck is finally operating again… because it’s apparently reset back to the old site. Even better, everything works just in time for you to see my comic about how nothing is working and you can’t see the comic. Seriously, this is the funniest thing that’s happened to me all week.

Well, okay, the SECOND funniest thing. The VERY funniest thing that’s happened is this page of Today Nothing Happened. Why? Because THAT’S ME AT THE END!!! Yay!

(Historical Notes: SEVERAL things to point out here.  First off, there’s a sequel to the Today Nothing Happened page that only went up on Top Webcomics.  Second, that’s ANOTHER comic to add to the list of things I’ve outlived.  I really am going to wind up the lone, solitary figure wandering an abandoned wasteland, aren’t I?  And speaking of abandoned wastelands, this is officially where the first move from Drunk Duck to SmackJeeves happened.  Far Out There has a much fuller account of the problems DD was having thanks to it updating more often, but the short version is something kept breaking down with the image hosting so that you couldn’t post new pages.  I think this was around the time where relations with the latest in a series of new owners was starting to sour, which is probably part of why their attempts at updating kept going so badly.  In any case, after this point, Conventional Wisdom would update on Drunk Duck and SmackJeeves simultaneously.  Officially, SmackJeeves was being used as Drunk Duck’s mirror, but that wouldn’t last for very long…)