I was actually standing behind this girl who remembered how the lights had been out earlier, but was all excited at the prospect of filming the door opening on total darkness for TikTok or whatever.  She was disappointed that her surefire viral hit was ruined, while tried to hide my schadenfreude over somebody who used social media I don’t having their fun ruined.  Originally, THAT was gonna be the comic, but I’ve already exceeded my usual Total Jerk levels in these comics, so I thought now would be a good time for a bit of self-deprecation to balance things out a bit.  Besides, I can’t pretend that I wasn’t just a tad let down to see the lights get fixed myself.  I mean, as far as I know, nothing horrifying had happened in there YET.

Oh, and much like the previous comic, I had to get creative to make up for the flaws of my own photography over the weekend.  As it happens, my attempts to get a picture of the “dark, creepy” elevator all turned out looking way better lit than it felt at the time, and most of my “well lit” pictures paradoxically looked too dark and sketchy.  Of course, it didn’t help that every time I thought to try and get a picture of the elevator (dark or lit), there’d be a whole gaggle of people getting on/off so I’d only have a split second to take it.  Not a lot of time to get the lighting right.