Yeesh, I really AM still working out a lot of crap in these comics, aren’t I?  But seriously, I really NEED Dealer’s Rooms selling box sets right there in person, because actually seeing the stuff right there in person is the only way I can ever get around to buying anything.  Or more to the point, it’s the only time I’m ever wound up enough to WANT to buy anything  If I ever have to rely on ordering stuff online, while I’m at home and surrounded by Real Life, I just end up reminding myself that I’ve got way more important stuff to spend money on than Japanese mangos.

And to anybody who thinks I’m still being too mean, you’ll be pleased to know that the Convention Gods already hit me with some pre-emptive karma, which is why this page took so long to come out.  There really was only one booth in the Dealer’s Room with any anime for sale, and it really was just one shelf, and I knew right away that I needed to do a whole page around it.  Thus, I made a point of taking some pictures of said shelf to use in said comic… only to then realize days later that every one of those pictures were TOTALLY unusable.  Too close up, at the wrong angle, out of focus, you name it and it was wrong.  So I had to stage some new pics of a fake display set up in my room… which just spiraled into a whole side project of drawing fake cover art for fake anime to photoshop into the picture, because I’m a tad obsessive about this kind of thing (see that one set of Far Out There Christmas Comics for proof of how much I get into doing this stuff).  No joke, I seriously spent several days working on nothing but that one shelf image, the last of which was literally a full, uninterrupted 24-hour day on nothing but editing and more editing.  All for a minor background gag that isn’t even the main punchline of the page.  I’ve got this whole “time management” thing down pat. (No, but seriously, I saved all those assets separately, so you can look forward to seeing them again in ConCONcon pages for a LOOOONG time after this)

And lest my grumbling should make you think otherwise, I really DID end up buying something at the con, because of course I did.