What’s this?  Me expressing a lack of interest in the things everybody else at the convention cares about?  What a novel, original concept! …but seriously, I couldn’t give less of a crap about rhythm games if I tried.  All the retro stuff at AZ and MAGfest have permanently spoiled me.

On that note, this was actually the first time I’d ever played any of these new-fangled minis things.  I’m not enough of a nerd to judge how good the emulation was, but I liked the selections of games alright.  I was NOT all that impressed with the controllers, though.  I mean, they LOOKED great, but the buttons were really squishy and unsatisfying and a bit laggy.  The Genesis controller especially was bad to the point of the buttons sticking in place at times.  I dunno if this is a problem with the product as a whole or just the specific ones they had out, but I didn’t get the impression they were very old.  Heck, I actually wound up unlocking Star Fox 2 on the SNES because nobody had played through the original yet.  That certainly implies to ME that they were fresh out of the box.

Also, I now unironically want a falling block puzzle game with the mascots heads as the pieces.  This needs to happen.

EDIT: If you’re not sure what you’re looking at here, I need to establish that I not only made masks for both my Scribbles plushie AND my Servo puppet, but I also made a special Dr. F mask with a mustache on the outside.  Because staying safe doesn’t mean you can’t still be stylish.