I think this one is a lot funnier if I KEEP the context a mystery, don’t you?

But yeah, that’s it for my first trip back to conventions since The Before Times, and also my one con trip for all of 2021!  EXCEPT IT’S NOT ACTUALLY OVER!  There’s still a whole SECOND SET OF COMICS just waiting to start going up on Patreon!  All you have to do is become a patron, even for just a single dollar a month, and you get first access to even MORE comics from my wacky weekend in Charlotte!

Of course, if you can’t even afford a buck a month (which I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND, by the way) there’s still more Conventional Wisdom coming your way for the tail end of this year.  ConCONcon 2021 still has a part 2 that’ll keep us all entertained up through December!  So be sure to keep checking back here for more of everybody’s favorite convention that doesn’t actually exist!

And when will Conventional Wisdom’s next REAL con be?  Well… ya’ll be patient and I’ll let you know when the time is right…