There, see?  I TOLD you there’d be more ConCONcon to fill out the rest of the year!  Also, be sure to become a patron and see the remainder of the Queen City Anime Con comics as they go up on Patreon.  I’m not sure at the moment how many there’ll be, but I’m even LESS sure of how long it’ll be before I finally start rebuilding Conventional Wisdom’s public Patreon gallery on this site, so I don’t advise waiting on the extra content to become free.  (I mean, yeah, it will EVENTUALLY, but I seriously have no idea when)

Anyway, I’m pleased to say that, out of all the time’s I’ve been at cons where the fire alarm went off, I’ve never once actually seen the sprinklers start up.  Unfortunately, that also includes the times where there was actual smoke and burning involved, which is a bit concerning.  (Also, DANG IT, I really need to hurry up and re-post those Animazement comics so I can slip a link in here!)