To be fair, I don’t actually think con guests are any worse human beings than any of the other dumpster fires who attend these things… but the rest of us don’t get to go up onstage to broadcast out how great we think we are, or manipulate a fanbase into giving us attention to fill the void where our souls used to be.  So the awfulness is a bit more noticeable with them.

And if you think this is too mean, it was originally going to be WAY worse.  Among other things, the first draft of this page actually showed the guest in question, but every doodle I came up with looked too much like ACTUAL voice actors with a history of drama.  What can I say, there’s been a lot of them.  I’ll gladly mock the general IDEA of voice actors being sycophantic ego monsters, but the whole point of the ConCONcon setting is to avoid the chore of dealing with the brainwashed fanbase of anybody specific.