Okay, before we go any further, let me be clear that I had a good time at Otakon, I am thoroughly glad I went, and I’m very much looking to head back again next year… but WOW this weekend kicked my butt.  Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever felt my age at a con quite as hard as I did this time around.  Summers in DC are not to be taken lightly, to say nothing of just how big and spread out Otakon in particular is. Even as I write this on Monday, my feet are still in considerable pain, and probably will be for the better part of the week.  Let this be a lesson to you, kids: at least TRY to get into better shape during the weeks before a big con.  I thought I’d at least gotten myself into better walking-around shape, but I was already completely RUINED by Thursday night.  Speaking of which, tune in next time to see what I was getting up to before Otakon proper kicked off…