Here we go again, people!  I’m back in DC again for Otakon, the mythical birthplace of Conventional Wisdom!  And I’m not staying an hour-long bus ride away this year!  Thanks, friends who had my back on that one!

And speaking of which, if you’re reading this on Friday morning, then be sure to come see me co-hosting Awesomely Bad Japanese Music Videos again at 3:30pm in the AMV Theater!  And if you really wanna get educated, come by there earlier at 2:15 to see the Anime Home Video Museum in the same room!  And if you’re reading this any other time… well, just keep an eye out for me around the con and say hi! A lot of the time, I respond when spoken to!

And, of course, if you’re only stumbling across this AFTER the con is over, then keep checking back here for new comics, which will be going up one at a time as soon as they’re done.  Or just look for updates on all the various social media outlets I’ve got.  In fact, watch those during the con, too, up-to-the-minute real-time convention coverage! …by which I mean I’ll post some Digimon cosplay pics and occasionally repeat some out-of-context snippet of a conversation that sounded weird.  It’s what social media was built for!