HOLY CRAP THAT STUNG SO BAD. Like, I literally had to duck into a CVS and buy a bottle of eye drops just to try and flush out some of the gunk that kept dripping into my eyes. I mean, I managed to walk around DC outside all day without getting sunburned, so the sunscreen technically did its job, but MAN…

Anyway, yeah. Last year I spearheaded an exploration of some less-famous corners of DC one morning in the middle of the con.  It was fun, but not the best allocation of convention time, so this year we just drove up waaaaaaay earlier than usual in order to have all of Thursday morning to wander around. After all, we only really had badge pick up to do that afternoon, so Thuersday was a much better time to get sweaty and worn out than Saturday. And yes, it wore us out something fierce, see the previous page, but was over-all well worth it. Even with the burning eyes.  I may complain to no end about my time living in DC, but I’ll be the first to admit it’s a beautiful place if you know the right places and times to visit. Ah, but what the heck were we actually looking at all day? Well, you’ll just have to check back for page 3 to find that out!