(Historical Notes: Yeeeaaah, this is officially one “notice me, wrestling internet!” gag too many.  If nothing else, I should have held that “things as cool as getting recognized” comic back for Patreon instead on the ones I actually did.  At least then this wouldn’t feel so repetitive.  Of course, I might be a big grumpy about this comic because it’s the kind of comic I wish Past Me had done more of for this series.  Yeah, it’s just hanging out in the hotel room instead of going out and doing con stuff, but the past/present dichotomy is exactly the sort of nostalgic content an anniversary comic like this OUGHT to be full of.  Heck, just looking at the hotel room setting, I can tell you we only had, like, a quarter of the people who were stuffed into the room at my first Otakon.  The shift in priorities from “save money” to “be comfortable” is rife with possibilities for commentary, especially since I’m the one person in the group who DIDN’T experience that shift.  Remember, I go to these things for work, not fun.  But as I’ve said before, I was in pretty deep denial about the fact that things were changing at all, so I guess that wasn’t happening…)