(Historical Notes: HOLY CRAP IT’S CONVENTIONAL WISDOM’S TENTH BIRTHDAY! …I mean, sort of.  Otakon 2008 actually started on August 8th, but they still overlap on the 10th.  BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.  Conventional Wisdom started at Otakon, and this was the tenth straight year!  It’s a big deal, big enough that I actually printed out little flyer versions of this cover image to leave out around the con.  This was Conventional Wisdom’s grandest milestone yet! …and boy howdy are the results disappointing.  It’s not the worst Conventional Wisdom set by any means, but for the massive anniversary I remember building it up to be, the comics that resulted were nowhere near as big a production as they should have been.  I’ll get into it more as we go along, obviously, but I can tell you right now that if you read through my comments on the Animazement 2018 comics, you’ve already got a decent idea of what’s coming, because those issues were NOT magically dealt with because I had a tenth birthday to throw for myself.

Also, random tidbit, but I somehow wound up with a Sailor Moon birthday hat after Hoshicon, and I’d made a point of holding on to it because it seemed like the sort of thing I could use for a bit later.  Of course, by the time when a bit involving a birthday hat finally DID come up, I’d totally lost the hat and hat to awkwardly put together a fake from printer paper.  The update was already off to a great start.)