(Historical Notes: I still think this is pretty dang great.  I can’t recall if Past Me actually tried to explain the reference happening here, or if I just posted a link to a YouTube clip and let the commercial speak for itself, but I know that’s DEFINITELY what I’m going to do now.  Screw modern wrestlers with their Twitch channels and vlogs, THIS is the true essence of the sport of professional wrestling.  Also, I think I Past Me may have posted a link to that one Far Out There Voting Incentive that was a reference to the same thing… but of course I can’t do that right now, since the Far Out There Incentive & Patreon Gallery is even more backed up than Conventional Wisdom’s archive.  I guess I’ll add this to the “come back and add a link” list that I’ll almost certainly never remember to do.

But yeah, that’s all for Animazement 2018!  I doubt I’ll manage to get ALL of 2018’s remaining content back online before the end of the year, but I at least want to try and get Otakon reposted, because OH MAN that’s kind of an important one…)