If we’d gone this entire update without an appearance by the Ichibancon kids, I seriously think someone would have showed up at my house to complain in person.

Not that there isn’t plenty of stuff on this page to complain about anyway. And this is just the stuff I see going on at cons in person. I haven’t even HINTED at the deep, festering loathing I feel for anime fans when their online. (Speaking of which, it looks like Ted is at the con too)

AND YES, I REALIZE THERE ARE PLENTY OF GENUINELY NICE ANIME FANS AT CONVENTIONS AND THEY DON’T ALL ACT LIKE THIS. But not all sports fans, preachers, and homeless people act like that either, and that didn’t stop people from making plenty of broad statements about THEM…

(Historical Notes: It’s a little funny to see how long it took me to figure out what to call Those Kids, since naming them after a specific convention even as they attend different ones really doesn’t work.)