Guys? Guys. Don’t be obnoxious jerks. And no, being an obnoxious jerk for the purpose of pointing out how someone ELSE is an obnoxious jerk does NOT absolve you of jerkery. Even if you’re right on that point, you’re still being a jerk that I don’t wanna know. So stop it. Just, stop.

Now, to kick back and wait for a clever, clever individual to hit on the brilliant idea that writing a comic complaining about people who complain about things might be a touch hypocritical…

(Historical Notes: I really don’t like this page anymore.  I mean, I stand by the sentiment and everything; in fact I probably dislike the whole “never ever letting go of petty annoyances” thing even more than I did when I wrote this, and Ted here has actually become an occasional recurring character.  But MAN it’s not good any good as a comic.  Like, there’s nothing to this beyond presenting a broad strawman version of somebody I don’t like, then showing bad things happening to him.  It’s not clever or funny, it’s just vindictive revenge fantasy.  People who need to invent elaborate fictional situations where they can imagine bad things happening to somebody they disagree with just to feel vindicated are probably people who don’t DESERVE to feel vindication.  And besides, this isn’t even true to reality.  If history has taught us anything, it’s that obnoxious jerks are actually very good at finding like-minded souls, building supportive communities around each other,  and generally living a happier and more successful life than YOU ever will.)