How awesome is that? Conventional Wisdom on MORE of the Internet than it already is! …in a day or so. Yeah, um, this update isn’t actually on Elysiam Entertainment as I write this, but that’s what I get for taking so stupidly long to actually finish these comics.

Still, go check ’em out! I’ve already got a handy little link in the menu up on the top of the page, and I’ll be adding a more prominent link as soon as I can get around to it (I’ve been JUST a little busy lately)

And no, this little bit of networking synergy isn’t actually going to affect how THIS site works. Everything will still be the same… ONLY MORE AWESOME.

(Historical Notes: Well THIS didn’t last very long, did it?  There’s not even an interesting story to tell.  I was invited to mirror my con comics on another site that posted convention pictures, I did it a few times, traffic never noticeably increased, so I stopped bothering.  The site’s formatting didn’t really allow for any commentary under the comics, which really neutered the effect of a lot of them too.  And once again, the link I’d originally included is pointless because the site itself isn’t even around anymore.  There’s some random German blog thing camped out on the address now.  I really am outliving just about every website I ever came into contact with, aren’t I?)