Normally I’m not one to go around perpetuating any memes, but Yoink on the other hand…

So, yeah, OTAKON! As always, I’m writing this the night before I leave for the con, so by the time you read it you’ll know more about Otakon 2012 than I presently do. Also as always, I’m hoping to have the actually comics up by Wednesday, though that all depends on how well Real Life cooperates.

And there’s an EXTRA special announcement concerning this year’s Otakon comics that I don’t want to spoil JUUUUUUST yet. At the very least, I want to save the announcement for a time when I’ve actually slept again. Oh, that’ll be the day…

EDIT: Well, as I feared, the Wednesday update just isn’t going to happen. From the way things are going now, it looks like the earliest I’ll get this material finished and online is Friday night/Saturday morning. SORRY! If it’s any consolation, what I’ve got so far might almost be worth the wait!

(Historical Notes: I ask again, do kids who’ve only been to Otakon in DC even know what this is talking about anymore?)