Remember how I said earlier that I saw more movies this weekend than I had the whole rest of the year?  Well, this is one of the reasons I normally DON’T go to the theater.  Sure, big screens and cool sound systems are nice and all, but you have to, like, actually be in a room with OTHER PEOPLE while you watch… and sometimes people just aren’t up to the task of being an endurable presence in the lives of others.  Case in point, these two idiots.

And you have to understand, they weren’t HECKLING the movie.  It was clear they didn’t realize anybody else could hear them, and they weren’t even telling jokes so much as just letting stream of conscious sounds dribble out of their word holes.  And it was CONSTANT.  Like, I could forgive someone being reduced to stunned laughter at certain, specific parts.  This is Akira, after all, the human brain just wasn’t meant to process several major scenes in this film.  But they were like this THE WHOLE DANG TIME.  The entire movie!  Even the parts that my newborn nephew could have understood still reduced these two to gobsmacked chuckling.  I’m honestly surprised they were capable of leaving the theater under their own power, since they apparently only had three functioning brain cells between them.

…and somehow it STILL wasn’t the worst crowd I’ve watched a movie with at a con.