This is one of the few NC Comicon pages for either here or Patreon to be specifically rewritten after attending Ichibancon.  Originally, this comic was just going to highlight the fact that there was more cosplay on display Sunday than I was used to, something I was going to chalk up to this con scheduling it’s big Cosplay competition for Sunday rather than the more traditional Saturday.  But then Ichibancon happened, and IT was super crowded on Sunday too.  And the more I thought back on it, NC Comic really was just more crowded in general, cosplay or no cosplay.

So what’s going on here?  Is the general pattern of convention attendance changing as a whole?  Are there that many more people only willing to pay for cheep one-day pass?  Are more people springing for an extra night in their hotel room, so they don’t have to spend Sunday packing & checking out?  Am I just getting older, so that people younger and with more energy strike me as abnormal now?  Well, that last part is true either way…

(If you’re still waiting for the Ichibancon coverage to start, fear not!  I’ve shuffled around the rest of the NC Comicon plans, to the point that I THINK Ichi stuff should start by the end of next week.  Sorry for the delay!)