(Historical Notes: That’s right, folks!  We’ve finally caught up with my current mode of content delivery!  After years of struggling to get comics out at the speed I used to, and breaking the updates up into more and more chunks, this is where I finally just threw up my hands and started posting the comics one page at a time.  For all the uncertainty Past Me clearly demonstrates here, I genuinely can’t imagine doing this comic any other way now.  Of course, back when Past Me actually WAS posting these comics in bulk, I couldn’t have imagined doing anything with the level of polish and detail that Conventional Wisdom currently boasts, so that’s the tradeoff.  If there is one thing I miss about finishing the whole set of comics before posting them in one bunch, it’s having more of an ability to weave a narrative through all the pages if I want.  Or, more to the point, having the ability to go back and change something I did five pages earlier so that it better fits something I say elsewhere.  It’s a lot harder to retcon stuff when everyone’s already had a chance to see what you did the first time around.)