(Historical Notes: Yep, 2019 was probably the peak of my being interested in pro wrestling, and it definitely casts a large shadow over the following pages.  Like a whole lot of people, I’ve cooled on it a lot over the past few years, but that’s a story for another day.  Actually, maybe not, because looking at this comic again now, it’s kind of amazing how much the landscape has changed over just the past few years.  I mean, AEW’s not anywhere on this list at all!  I actually remember being in the hotel room that weekend, watching the episode of Being The Elite that announced AEW in the first place.  Man, that feels like a lifetime ago.  Between that and the names on this list that either aren’t around anymore or just aren’t relevant, this page is actually a perfect example of why I generally avoid references to topical references these days.  When I just make up my own anime to talk about, I never have to worry about it becoming outdated! …though as I sit here in late August 2022, the swipe at CM Punk suddenly feels EXTREMELY prescient.  Maybe I’m more ahead of the curve than I realize?)