(Historical Notes: Maybe it’s just because I was able to recover the old commentary for that previous batch of filler pages, but I REALLY wish I had my original thoughts for this set of comics.  I remember at the time that 2019 felt like it was going to be a major transitional year, like I’d turned a corner professionally after AWA.  Oh, if only I’d known.  There was definitely an “end of an era” at work here, just not to the degree I’d expected.  And speaking of which, I’ll just go ahead and acknowledge that, as I’m writting in 2022, this is also the LAST MAGFest I’ve attended.  You know, there was a time when I would have sworn that MAGFest was the one con I’d never miss even after Conventional Wisdom was over and done with.  Times really DO change, don’t they?  And speaking of change, there’s another fundamental shift in how I did this comic that begins here, but I’ll let past me explain it in the next page…)