(Historical Notes: Oh Lord yes, THIS is quite the tale, right here.  Remember that filler comic about how bad it was getting to try and find a hotel room?  Well, it turns out to be SO bad that I couldn’t even stay in the same room as the people I was riding up with, the folks THEY roomed with just didn’t have any extra space for me.  I was able to get squeezed in with another batch of friends in another hotel, but… well, just see the comic.  The hotel they finally managed to get a last minute room at was this little thing obviously intended for business travelers instead of tourists, meaning they didn’t offer convention discounts, thus sizable price hike.  Honestly, since we were already on the road by that point, I just took the extra expense in stride since it beat sleeping in the van.  The bigger problem was the LOCATION, for reasons I’ll get into shortly.  Oh, and in case you’re wondering why we didn’t just take the far away room and commute in… well, just wait until the 2019 comics go back up.  I’ll tell ya all about it.)