I’m not sure what’s sadder here: the fact that the only date I could get to MAGProm was a plastic robot puppet, or the fact that pining a “Deep 13” patch to a suit jacket is the closes I’ve come to making a new costume in a LOOOOONG time.

Actually, no. The saddest thing is hearing quite a few people wondering if they’d be allowed into this thing if they weren’t dressed nicely enough… as if FREAKING MAGFEST WOULD EVER ACTUALLY ENFORCE A DRESS CODE FOR ANYTHING.

Also, not the first time I’ve gotten weirdly too close to Servo at MAGFest.

(Historical Notes: It’s not really a “historical note,” I just have an overwhelming need to state that I have NO idea why MAGFest ever started this silliness in the first place.  I thought they were so dead-set on establishing MAGFest as NOT being a convention, yet this is one of the aggressively cosplay-kid-pandering nonsense you could ever do.)