Those of you who’ve been reading regularly this past year will know that my trusty robot companion for the past year or so had a nasty accident on the way back from Intervention. MAGFest marked the first time the newly repaired Servo had been unleashed on the general populace, and it felt SOOOOOOO right! Going to cons without Servo felt like leaving one of my feet at home!

Also, I just now noticed this is apparently the 666th page of Conventional Wisdom. That’s… disconcerting on several levels. *glares at Servo cautiously*

(Historical Notes: If there’s one thing I miss about old SmackJeeves, it’s how easy it was to keep track of “actual” page numbers like that would really trying… which I could almost certainly set up this site to do as well, but I just don’t wanna.  I like the clean simplicity of the current page addresses.)