I just want to say that this is was probably the worst page out of the whole update for doing caricatures that look like actual real people. Drawing bands onstage is easy, since there’s an easy excuse to not do any detailed closeups, but this? …well, I probably could have come up with an excuse to not do this in closeups as well. CRAP.

(Historical Notes: It should be noted that that black and blue Tron suit was actually a reward.  I don’t even think that dude was on staff, I think they just invited him up to show the suit off.  MAGFest had some kind of crazy Premium Membership thing going on where they promised all these wacky gifts without really thinking about the logistics of making any of them, and because it was MAGFest, all the recipients thought the ghetto craftsmanship was a bonus.  That absolutely should have been what this comic was actually about.)