Okay, my ability to get lost is well documented, but this one wasn’t just my fault. I can be legitimately easy to get lost in the halls of the Gaylord. What with the lack of landmarks and the way the numbers shift as the halls wrap around the building and how easy it is to forget which elevator is the one that’s nearest to your room… it’s easy for this to happen is what I’m saying.

(Historical Notes: Past Me doth protest too much here.  I mean, yes, a number of people have told me they had the same thing happen to them, and this page would end up getting a sequel a year or so down the line, so the Gaylord isn’t blameless here.  But still, a decade of getting lost at the drop of a hat suggests the problem is more that I just can’t keep my bearings without a LOT more hand-holding than a hotel should ever feel obligated to provide to a grown adult.)