I don’t like to complain. No really. As much as it makes for more entertaining comics most of the time, I hate the thought of going out and yelling about how such and such sucked this year. It can’t retroactively fix whatever went wrong, and there are MUCH more constructive ways of getting problems fixed than whining about them in public.

That said, there’s no way around the fact that EVERYONE hated the schedule this year. I mean, there’s always one or two malcontents who don’t like something, but I don’t think I’ve EVER seen a crowd as united in discontent as I did this weekend. Somehow, EVERYONE had several things happening at once or at the wrong time or any other of a thousand problems. It was impressive how comprehensively we were all inconvenienced, actually.

Oh, and I’m not joking about the schedule lay-out, either. They actually didn’t do any kind of grid, anywhere. That… I… wow.

(And yes, I totally understand that putting together a convention is an impossible task than I would do a THOUSAND times worse than these people did. I applaud them for managing to get things happening at all. But like I said, I can’t just pretend that all the grumbling didn’t happen either)

(Historical Notes: It’s not so common now, but back in the day I actually would get a decent amount of feedback from staffers on these comics, and from what I heard even THEY weren’t happy with the schedule that year)