You know, several weeks ago, I had ambitions of filling the stretch of updates between Animazement and Otakon with actual COMICS instead of the usual delirious scribbling… THAT didn’t work out, did it?

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get a head start on my 4th of July festivities… by going to sleep.

(Historical Notes: I’m not sure where I should start bringing this up, this is probably a BIT early, but my mental and emotional state really started to slip once I moved into the new house.  In theory, I had significantly more roommates than I did in the old apartment, but in practice I never even SPOKE to anyone other than the landlady, and even then only rarely.  In a way, that last line is a perfect example of how things were changing.  The previous 4th of July I met up with friends and went down to the big part in the city and did all kinds of stuff.  This year, I literally slept through the entire day.  I wound up doing that a lot.)